Green Caucasus Organic Standard 

Green Caucasus Organic Standard has been elaborated based on the requirements of the following documents:

  • Commission Regulations (EU) 834/2007, 889/2008 and 1235/2008;
  • Codex Alimentarius‘s Organically Produced Foods;
  • IFOAM‘s (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement) standards of organic poroduction and processing;


The equivalency of Green Caucasus Organic Standard with the EU organic regulations is assessed by annual audit DAkkS, the German accreditation body.

Interpretation of the statements of Organic Standard of Green Caucasus is the prerogative of CAUCASCERT.  Any revision of the abovementioned international standards is reflected in the latest updated version of Green Caucasus Organic Standard and is published in the CAUCASCERT’s website.

Partial or complete use of Green Caucasus Organic Standard by other certification bodies is not allowed.